To: Class Members and Friends
From: admin
Subject: Announcing our Coronado High School Class of 1967 Scholarship for 2020!

Our class has again this year generously elected to sponsor a yearly scholarship, in particular this year, for a CHS 2020 graduating senior meeting the following criteria:

1. Our scholarship will be awarded to one female or male graduating senior.
2. Must have earned a GPA 3.75 or better (on a scale of 4.0).
3. Must have been accepted for the fall term at a four-year college / university.
4. Awardee must have exhibited some combination of the following characteristics:

a) Has persevered to achieve distinction in an academic subject despite considerable obstacles,
b) May be someone who is an extremely hard worker who has quietly achieved academic distinction,
c) May be among the first in their family to be accepted to a four-year college / university,
d) Has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the face of extremely difficult circumstances, or
e) Has exhibited distinguished character through service to others.

Our scholarship funding goal this year is $1,500.00; we will make our award — consisting of all donations collected — directly to the awardee as selected by the CHS Senior Awards Committee in accordance with our selection criteria. Finally, donations can be made at our website beginning immediately then continuing through April 15th, 2020 — please consider giving to this worthy cause today by going here

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