Coronado Islanders 1967 Blog

Class members and our friends can stay up-to-date by reading blog posts that contain the latest information concerning reunion; post comments linked to our Facebook page; and make suggestions by sending them via email.

CHS Islanders of 1967 Post #9

To: Class Members and Friends
From: admin
Subject: Announcing our Coronado High School Class of 1967 Scholarship for 2021!

Our class has again this year generously elected to sponsor a yearly scholarship, in particular this year, for a CHS 2021 graduating senior meeting the following criteria:

1. Our scholarship will be awarded to one female or male graduating senior.
2. Must have earned a GPA 3.75 or better (on a scale of 4.0).
3. Must have been accepted for the fall term at a four-year college / university.
4. Awardee must have exhibited some combination of the following characteristics:

a) Has persevered to achieve distinction in an academic subject despite considerable obstacles,
b) May be someone who is an extremely hard worker who has quietly achieved academic distinction,
c) May be among the first in their family to be accepted to a four-year college / university,
d) Has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the face of extremely difficult circumstances, or
e) Has exhibited distinguished character through service to others.

Our scholarship funding goal this year is $1,500.00; we will make our award — consisting of all donations collected — directly to the awardee as selected by the CHS Senior Awards Committee in accordance with our selection criteria. Finally, donations can be made at our website beginning immediately then continuing through April 15th, 2021 — please consider giving to this worthy cause today by going here

To post a comment, please go to: Coronado Islanders ’67 on Facebook
Contact us via email: here

CHS Islanders of 1967 Post #8

To: Class Members and Friends
From: admin
Subject: Announcing our Coronado High School Class of 1967 Scholarship for 2020!

Our class has again this year generously elected to sponsor a yearly scholarship, in particular this year, for a CHS 2020 graduating senior meeting the following criteria:

1. Our scholarship will be awarded to one female or male graduating senior.
2. Must have earned a GPA 3.75 or better (on a scale of 4.0).
3. Must have been accepted for the fall term at a four-year college / university.
4. Awardee must have exhibited some combination of the following characteristics:

a) Has persevered to achieve distinction in an academic subject despite considerable obstacles,
b) May be someone who is an extremely hard worker who has quietly achieved academic distinction,
c) May be among the first in their family to be accepted to a four-year college / university,
d) Has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the face of extremely difficult circumstances, or
e) Has exhibited distinguished character through service to others.

Our scholarship funding goal this year is $1,500.00; we will make our award — consisting of all donations collected — directly to the awardee as selected by the CHS Senior Awards Committee in accordance with our selection criteria. Finally, donations can be made at our website beginning immediately then continuing through April 15th, 2020 — please consider giving to this worthy cause today by going here

To post a comment, please go to: Coronado Islanders ’67 on Facebook
Contact us via email: here

CHS Islanders of 1967 Post #6

To: Class Members and Friends
From: admin
The initial version of our CHS Class of 1967 50th Year Reunion Booklet can be downloaded in PDF form here: CHS Class of 1967 50th Year Reunion Booklet

Also, several class members have sent us a number of reunion-related photos, so we have published them as a PDF document which you can find here: CHS Class of 1967 Photos

Passwords for these documents will be delivered by separate means.

To post a comment, please go to: Coronado Islanders ’67 on Facebook
Contact us via email: here

CHS Islanders of 1967 Post #5

To: Class Members and Family
From: admin
Several class members have asked for details regarding our 50-year honorary graduation and diploma so here are the details that we have from the CHS principal:
1. Graduation will be at 7:30 PM on Thursday, June 15th at the CHS football field.  Our class will enter the gates to the field, check in with the CHS official individually, and be directed to a special seating area near the 2017 graduates.
2. We will provide a list of honorary graduates to CHS and CHS will print honorary diplomas for each person on the list.  CHS will read the names of individuals present at the ceremony and a representative of our class present will distribute diplomas—via USPS or other arrangements—to members of our class not able to attend that evening.
3. The Honorary Graduation/Diploma List that we will provide to CHS will consist of anyone who attended CHS within the Class of 1967 track who requests inclusion; therefore, please let us know if you want to be added to the list.  Family members of our deceased classmates may also request that their loved one be added to the list so that they may receive their loved one’s honorary diploma and/or attend the ceremony in their honor.  Please email us with any questions, comments, or recommendations.

To post a comment, please go to: Coronado Islanders ’67 on Facebook
Contact us via email: here